Car Shipping to The UK

Wanna ship your car to the UK and enjoy tax exemption?
The vehicle must prove that it has been owned in Hong Kong for more than 6 months, and the owner has stayed outside the UK for more than 12 months, in order to meet the UK's ToR1 tax exemption requirements.
#Wilcan #寶加物流 #搬屋 #移民 #移民英國 #移民加拿大 #移民澳洲 #加拿大生活 #英國生活 #澳洲生活 #HKIG #HongKong #運車 #byebyehongkong #byebyehk #relocation #StreamA #StreamB #HKpathway #UK #London #Manchester #Reading #United Kingdom #Canada #Vancouver #Toronto #Singapore #USA